Sunday, 18 January 2015


Beanie: eBay 
Top: Sandro
Pants: Urban Outfitters 
Espadrillos: Ralph Lauren

Relivin' the days of our youth via good eatin', park frolickin', and funny face makin'. We're a lot calmer now (aka we are basically grandmas), but sometimes we bring out our teenage souls for old times sake. Although we are no longer dancing on cars/playing badminton in the Taco Bell drivethru/eating hamburgers on strangers' lawns, we've still got some vivacity in our feathered veins. Sort of. 

P.S. I've been forcing myself to write again and recently spilled these words onto paper:

Today the stars exploded confetti and you looked at me with your moth wing eyelashes and said “__________” but you didn’t mean it and we both knew it. Imagined closeness like acid tongues dissolving into pink puffball clouds that feel (almost!) tangerine. Raspberry fingers; indoor voices on the beach at 4 am. The sky was lavender and I thought I could see everything, but I really saw nothing whilst you sat right next to me thinking about the softness of stomachs. If curtained whispers didn’t exist behind your words, I wouldn’t perch on windowsills waiting for ghosts and the walls wouldn’t peel years & years. A road without headlights/throwing salt in colorless holes/ocean skin x x x. We swallowed piano pieces in monochrome to fill the vacancy. Then we drove&drove&drove; searching for eternity inside the pixilated letters the voice on the other end of the line the questions left unanswered. Because even satin-bowed lies look pretty from afar.

Blank Space (Cover) by Louisa Wendorff



  1. Anna El, your words are flawless. Your soul is beautiful. And I miss you..:(

    1. HANNER. You da you da best! xxxx Miss you mo gonna text you right now.
