Sunday 6 April 2014

Soul Scratched Wrestling Heartbeats

Spent the weekend in Chicago because I had a modeling gig for Teen Vogue in the city. Blogpost on that magical experience coming soon, so stay tuned. 

This time around, I took the train to Chicago by myself, which was fine because I've never been the type of human that needed company to have a good time. I think the saying is 'alone, but not lonely'. Call me a freak of nature, but I actually love exploring a city by myself-- strolling down busy streets and discovering secret gems nestled in quiet corners and shadows. Nothing is more exhilarating. 

So after a two hour train ride, reading poetry and snapchatting videos to friends, I set foot in my favorite US city and walked. I walked to the MCA (Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago). I walked into coffeeshops. I walked out of coffeeshops and into other coffeeshops. I walked to The Bean to hide from the hail and take derpy selfies with the twinkling lights above. I walked and walked and walked, soaking in the tall buildings the urban clothes the passing chatters the street performers the crisp air the car zooms; it all felt so alive

When night fell, I hid in a tiny cafe across the street from The Bean and waited for my friend Drea. We took a Lyft car back to her place, which was hilarious and very Conan O'Brien-esque. Our driver's name was Bryan, a graphic design student at Columbia (in Chicago) and all-around nice guy who posed with a pink mustache when I asked to snap a photo of my first Lyft experience. I enjoyed the ride so much that I decided to take a Lyft car to my Teen Vogue event the following day. I felt like Kerouac in On the Road and Dharma Bums, riding in cars with complete strangers and talking up a storm. I read somewhere that people are the most honest when they're driving, and whether that's true or not, I can certainly say that I had some pretty soulful chats during my Lyft rides. My second driver was named Bob. He was a businessman, retired, became bored with retirement, and signed up to be a Lyft driver for fun. Whilst driving me to my modeling gig, he told me that the years after graduating college were some of the best times of his life, living off very little money with good friends. He called it 'college without the papers and tests'. He also told me that sometimes you shouldn't plan and worry about the ifs. He told me that sometimes you need to follow your heart and just go. Because at the end of your life, it's only the memories that matter. Hearing these words was so incredibly beautiful and necessary

On my last day in Chicago, I frolicked in the Cultural Center, ate deep dish pizza, sat on the benches next to The Bean, and basked in the warmth of the sun and the sounds and the colors. And it was all so lovely. And I really didn't want to leave, but I have to graduate college, so at 4 PM I grudgingly boarded the train back to school. 

Now I'm back in my room, a little bit heartbroken and dreaming of the road. Someone please whisk me back to Chicago? I'll give you candy and all of my love.  

Union by Deptford Goth
Hey Oh by Red Hot Chili Peppers 
Peaches by In the Valley Below 

Quote of the Weekend
"My landlord gives us tomatoes and sometimes he threatens to shoot us. He's really nice." 

Oh and apparently you can go on really long bike rides in Chicago, so I'm totes forcing my friends to go on a really long bike ride with me the next time we're in Chitown. 



  1. I think the hat on your photos are unique.

  2. beautiful hair!
