Saturday, 20 June 2015

What I Know Now

Dress: Nasty Gal
Sneakers: Target
Bow: Street Market in Taiwan
Bracelet: Link of Hearts

LA-based street artist Morley recently visited Carlsbad, CA to turn a chunk of wall into a huge chalkboard. In the center of the wall-turned-chalkboard, he painted: "IF I KNEW THEN WHAT I KNOW NOW" in large block letters. Below that, he pasted: "WRITE A MESSAGE TO YOUR YOUNGER SELF" in quieter letters. I encountered the piece a couple hours after he created it and almost all of it was already filled with colorful chalk messages. 

I think the clarity that comes with retrospection hits everyone over the head at one point in their lives, probably many times actually, so it's no surprise that people flocked to this wall to spill their experience-gained quips of wisdom. 

Although I, personally, believe truth is subjective, I also believe in learning through other people's truths. That's the appeal of art, isn't it? The catharsis that comes from the artist creating their truth in a manner so powerful that it unlocks something in you; thus, allowing you to understand yourself/the world/etc better. At least that's what I always look for in art. 

Anyways, these are the messages I'd write to my younger self:

1) Don't be afraid of failure. As cliche as it is, through failure comes growth and knowledge. 

2) Sometimes people leave. And yes, even the one that seems like forever. But you'll get through it. Life is beautiful even in the chaos. (And sometimes it's not what you think.)

3) Be spontaneous. 

4) Parfois la folie est la sagesse. 

5) Chase the dreams that scare you.

6) Science is NOT your forte. 

7) Float on, always. 

This is definitely not the end of the list. I'm constantly learning and changing my personal truths with the passing of time, but I'll stop at 7 because that's my lucky number. 

Jolene by The Weepies
Blue and Grey by Elena Tonra


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