Saturday, 27 June 2015

L'Invincible Été

[Photos: @chrisfotog // 35 mm // Arts District, Los Angeles]

The idea of self-actualization is so silly to me because identity, itself, is fluid. If there is an objective truth in this universe, it is the truth of change. We are constantly being molded by our surroundings. What's that quote from Chuck Palahniuk? Nothing of me is original. I am the combined effort of everyone I've ever known. 

The world revolves in an entropic state with everything swirling and crashing and shifting in a perfect disharmony and we swirl and crash and shift with it. It's chaotic and it's beautiful and it's all so exciting. At least to me. 

That's why I love living in the city. Here, everything seems to happen all at once and it's hard not to get swept up in the technicolor veins of LA. 

Walking in the heart of the city, with its bright neon lights, you feel as if you're on the cusp of something grand, something bigger than yourself & anyone you've ever known. There are so many people so many buildings so many painted walls and I'm ready to get lost in it all.

To let go of who I am, to discover who I can become.



  1. "If there is an objective truth in this universe, it is the truth of change." I love it! That's such an elegant way to describe the objectivity of subjectivity! Funny, because it's only recently that I wrote a post about individuality and originality, and how that's completely distorted in our heavily pressured minds. This was a beautiful little post, and I love what you're wearing!

    May x | THE MAYDEN

    1. Aww thanks so much for the kind words!! It means a lot! I will have to read your blog to see this post! It sounds interesting! If you see this response, link me to the post! If not, I'll lurk around your blog for it. Thanks again for your lovely comment! It made my day! xx

  2. What a beautiful and simple blog post. You write so wonderfully! Definitely following for more :).

    1. Thank you so much! Your comment made my day! :)
