Saturday, 11 July 2015

Look Ma, No Pants

T-Shirt Dress: Urban Outfitters
Sneakers: Target

Those who know me know I hate wearing pants, so this t-shirt dress is my jam. Got it from Urban Outfitters for $7 (such a steal!) and it's ridiculously soft and comfortable. Maybe I'll pull a Connie Wang and literally wear it all summer. But probably not because my chameleon soul reflects itself in my sartorial choices. 

Slash, call me basic but I'm totally diggin' this Selena Gomez x A$AP Rocky song

Double slash stay tuned because I got a new tattoo, which means a creative post is just around the riverbend unless I get lazy and decide to go to the Getty instead or eat an obscene amount of chocolate covered popcorn whilst watching the latest episode of Pretty Little Liars (hashtag my guilty pleasure judge me). 



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Love your t-shirt dress and the new Selena Gomez song too!
    Here's how we styled the t-shirt dress:

