Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Signs and Stars

 There is something incredibly Romantic about road trips. I love the freedom of driving on sun-streaked roads with the windows down and the music up just as much as the next Kerouac-inspired twenty-something, but my favorite moments take place at night. Those quiet rides in the dark amidst a handful of other yellowred car lights illuminating the shadows inside. I like to imagine the lives of the faces we pass. He's going to pick up a lover he hasn't seen in months. They're embarking on a grand adventure somewhere or nowhere at all. That no-destination driving and driving and driving until a feeling hits. A great epiphany. Or some sort of eternity. 

We were headed somewhere-- since that's the point of most road trips. A destination.

Spent a few days off the grid in the mountains and decided that all Sequoia trees look the same so I didn't quite grasp the significance behind the tall leafy things, but the view from some random rock on the edge of a cliff in Kings Canyon was a humbling one. It was one of those views you just get lost in and sometimes that's necessary. 

For the first time, in that night alive with signs and stars, I opened myself to the gentle indifference of the world. 
