Monday, 12 October 2015

“Ce n'è ancora, di strada”

Got back from Big Sur last night and I miss it so much I could cry. To deal with my post Sur blues, I’m photo-dumping these snaps from my phone and playing Bon Iver’s For Emma on repeat (the album that heals all heart wounds). A weak means of reliving the past couple of days. But I need this vicarious consumption.

Ah, what I would give to be back on the cliffs, listening to Holocene, with the deep blue Pacific to my left and endless green redwoods to my right. I want to trek dirt trails amidst rolling brooks and tall trees. I want to sleep under the stars and moon. I want to watch the sun set on Bixby Bridge. I want to picnic in Andrew Molera, kombucha in hand, whilst waves crash gently below my feet. I want to sit in the cool serenity of Henry Miller’s library. Eat at Nepenthe. Hang out the car’s rooftop window with the crisp sea air hitting me in the face and miles and miles and miles of beauty. There’s nothing better than that feeling.

O, Big Sur was like a dream I didn’t want to wake up from. But here I am, awake, and missing it like crazy.

(Stay tuned for film photos & more off the road nostalgia)



  1. This past Sunday afternoon, you might've been on your way back from Big Sur, or perhaps already home. I was also, at that exact time, mildly lamenting the end of another Aussie holiday as I rode the shuttle from LAX to Union Station. The driver decided to detour through Downtown L. A. and, as the bus inched (no thanks to CicLAvia) along for over an hour, I thought of you. Enjoying your pieces here, Anna. Hope all is well! ~ Coach P.

  2. Hi Coach P! Thanks so much for commenting and sharing your thoughts! I definitely know the feeling but I hope the drive through DTLA made leaving Australia less of a struggle! I hope you are well and please let me know if you're ever in my hood again! Would love to grab coffee and catch up! Miss ya! xx
